Die Suche ergab 12 Treffer

von Stephan Borst
Fr, 08. Mär 2024 16:12
Forum: Xb2.Net
Thema: WEBPROC in Workbench
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 1697

WEBPROC in Workbench

Hi, The Project Manager of the Xbase++ Workbench lists all PRG and all FUNC and PROC that are defined inside a PRG. It would be nice if I would also see the WEBPROC which are defined in a PRG. Anybody any idea if that is possible? I have my WEBPROC defined in an include file as (standard Xb2.Net): #...
von Stephan Borst
Mi, 10. Aug 2022 14:07
Forum: GUI
Thema: XbpQuickBrowse and slidebar appaerance
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2242

Re: XbpQuickBrowse and slidebar appaerance

What does work: oXbpQuickBrowse:vScrollObject:configure() Some more info on the slidebar: It seems as if this slidebar is configured to always scroll the last record to the top of the XbpQuickBrowse. (difficult to explain, but see the attachment). I think this might be somehting for Alaska to figure...
von Stephan Borst
Mi, 10. Aug 2022 13:50
Forum: GUI
Thema: XbpQuickBrowse and slidebar appaerance
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2242

Re: XbpQuickBrowse and slidebar appaerance

Thanks Tom, But that is what I call a work-around: hide the slidebar when you have less records to show then the maximum number of records which can be shown on the display. Nevertheless, it might work, but I get a dump when doing the :configure() Xbase++ version : Xbase++ (R) Version 2.00.1079 Oper...
von Stephan Borst
Mi, 10. Aug 2022 13:21
Forum: GUI
Thema: XbpQuickBrowse and slidebar appaerance
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2242

XbpQuickBrowse and slidebar appaerance

Hi all,

When I create a XbpQuickBrowse (with an Array) with only a small number of records,
the slide bar is nevertheless shown as if there are more records.
See attachment for an example.

Anyone with any ideas why this slidebar appears like that? And how to alter ?

Regards, Stephan
von Stephan Borst
Mo, 17. Dez 2018 10:59
Forum: Web
Thema: Invoke SOAP-action from HTML/JavaScript
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 6556

Re: Invoke SOAP-action from HTML/JavaScript

Hi, Thanks for this hint. I tried to retrieve date/time from my soap-server. This is a SOAP-method which comes standard with the xb2net-webserver software. See method; PROCEDURE SOAP_GetDateTime( oIn, oOut ) I do see logging in the transaction.log -> 2018-12-17 10:48:43 - NgSoapServer.exe ...
von Stephan Borst
Fr, 14. Dez 2018 14:14
Forum: Web
Thema: Invoke SOAP-action from HTML/JavaScript
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 6556

Re: Invoke SOAP-action from HTML/JavaScript

Hi Carlo, Thanks for the hint about Ajax. I searched for some samples and it looks easy. All examples use something like: var webserUrl = "http://localhost:62187/SampleService.asmx"; I don't understand the "SampleService.asmx". (Active server Methods). What to specify for a xbnet...
von Stephan Borst
Do, 13. Dez 2018 20:23
Forum: Web
Thema: Invoke SOAP-action from HTML/JavaScript
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 6556

Invoke SOAP-action from HTML/JavaScript

Hi there, I have a xb2net webserver running on localhost (port 80). My xbase written client can invoke SOAP-actions on this server. Now I want to invoke the SOAP-actions from HTML/JavaScript. So far I have found that I might use a JavaScript which should look like: (only the relevant part): var xmlh...
von Stephan Borst
Di, 14. Nov 2017 19:51
Forum: eXpress++
Thema: autoscale
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3384

Re: autoscale

First test seems to work. Thanks a lot.
von Stephan Borst
Di, 14. Nov 2017 19:21
Forum: eXpress++
Thema: autoscale
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3384


Hi, I need to convert some eXpress-code into basic xbp-parts. Shouldn't be a problem, but I can't get the autoscale of a bitmap working. eXpress-code: @ 0,0 DCSTATIC; EVAL {|o| o:setpos( {1,1} ) }; OBJECT oStatic; PARENT oParent; SIZE DCGUI_PARENTWIDTH-10,DCGUI_PARENTHEIGHT-10 DCBITMAP cBild; AUTOSC...
von Stephan Borst
Fr, 01. Jul 2016 19:26
Forum: Xb2.Net
Thema: Dateien vom Webserver senden per XB2.NET
Antworten: 29
Zugriffe: 25080

Re: Dateien vom Webserver senden per XB2.NET

Mein problem mit senden von ein PDF von WebServer nach ein Browser hab ich im attachment erklart.

Diesem Topic ist alt, aber vielleicht hat jemand neues ideen bekommen.

Gruß, Stephan
von Stephan Borst
Fr, 17. Jun 2016 11:53
Forum: Xb2.Net
Thema: Access Error in WebServe
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 6736

Re: Access Error in WebServe

Hi Carlo,

Du hast Recht. Ich war Blind fur das GET.
Aber meine Code hat uberhaupt kein GET auf Funktionen!! Die sind allen POST.

Vielleicht ein Einbruchsversuch? Nicht generiert auf meiner Code.

Ich schließe dieses Thema vorerst.

Danke, Stephan
von Stephan Borst
Mi, 15. Jun 2016 10:47
Forum: Xb2.Net
Thema: Access Error in WebServe
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 6736

Access Error in WebServe

Mein webserve ist installiert auf ein Windows 2012. Lauft gut aber manchmal gibt es ein Access Error: = ACCESS ERROR ========== Date: 20160615 08:08:41, IP: (deleted by me) Bad HTTP request: GET /web/MaakAfspraak() HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: nl-NL User-Ag...