Die Suche ergab 11 Treffer

von simofranz
Do, 19. Jan 2023 17:17
Forum: Postgre Server
Thema: native PostgreSQL für Xbase++
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 18626

Re: native PostgreSQL für Xbase++

Do I need to download version 10 and copy bin\*.DLLs ? V 64 Bit Windows Platforms / 32 Bit Windows Platforms --- ------------------------------- / ------------------------------ 15 2019, 2016 14 2019, 2016 13 2019, 2016 12 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 11 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 10 2016, 2012 R2 & R1, 7, 8, 1...
von simofranz
Di, 17. Jan 2023 17:30
Forum: Postgre Server
Thema: native PostgreSQL für Xbase++
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 18626

Re: native PostgreSQL für Xbase++

Help IDXF!

What do I need to test PostGres with xbase 1.9 ?
where can I find Pablo's updated wrapper and other component to compile my first prg ?

I'm curious to test this alternative to the classic Xbase database management mode

Thank you all for your help :wave:
von simofranz
Mo, 18. Jun 2018 14:47
Forum: LibXL
Thema: LIBX reading XLSx sheets
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8653

LIBX reading XLSx sheets

I'm evaluating the LIBX software in order to import data from external Excel files in my application. I can't undarstand the right syntax to read correct kind of values stored in a cell. Example routine: oBook := xlCreateBook() oSheet:=oBook:BookGetSheet(0) if ! empty(oSheet) for nRow:=oSheet:SheetF...
von simofranz
Di, 18. Okt 2016 18:29
Forum: Migration
Thema: XbpCrt() and multi READ
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 28031

Re: XbpCrt() and multi READ

The problem is too BIG for my experience...

I've attached a little demo to test it:
(2.54 KiB) 818-mal heruntergeladen
Let try to type some chars, first from Field1-Window1 then from Field2-Window2 and see what happen

many thanks for suggestions
von simofranz
Mi, 12. Okt 2016 0:12
Forum: Migration
Thema: XbpCrt() and multi READ
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 28031

Re: XbpCrt() and multi READ

I've found the problem: oP1:activate:={||Window1()} ------> oP1:activate:={||oT:=Thread():new(), oT:Start("WINDOW1") } oP2:activate:={||Window2()} ------> oP2:activate:={||oT:=Thread():new(), oT:Start("WINDOW2") } Using threads, the GET/READ works correctly into any Windows in as...
von simofranz
Di, 11. Okt 2016 13:52
Forum: Migration
Thema: XbpCrt() and multi READ
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 28031

Re: XbpCrt() and multi READ

i create a small prg to understand the problem, 1) click on FIRST WINDOW pushbutton 2) write something onto Field1 3) click on SECOND WINDOW pushbutton 4) write something onto Field3 5) activate WINDOWS1 6) try to write something onto Field1 and Field2 Win the WINDOWS2 GetList; after the last enter ...
von simofranz
Di, 11. Okt 2016 9:45
Forum: Migration
Thema: XbpCrt() and multi READ
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 28031

Re: XbpCrt() and multi READ

But when i perform READ into first window and READ in a second window , only the first window have a READ active. If i change the focus to the second window the MAIN READ start in the first window. After a confirm all GETs in the first window, the cursor continue to the second window. The Gets are n...
von simofranz
Di, 11. Okt 2016 0:38
Forum: Migration
Thema: XbpCrt() and multi READ
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 28031

XbpCrt() and multi READ

Sorry for this simple question: is it possible to create more CRT Windows (hybrid mode), in separate threads, and design for both different GET/READ routine ? For example: Procedure Win1 PRIVATE GetList1:={} oCrt1 := XbpCrt():new( oParent, , aPos, 25,80) oCrt1:create() SetAppWindow( oCrt1 ) SetAppFo...
von simofranz
Fr, 30. Sep 2016 12:07
Forum: MS Office
Thema: Outlook and non-default folder
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9344

Re: Outlook and non-default folder

I've found this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa210918(v=office.11).aspx Using the Folders Object Use the Folders property to return the Folders object from a NameSpace object or another MAPIFolder object. Use Folders(index), where index is the name or index number, to return a si...
von simofranz
Fr, 30. Sep 2016 11:27
Forum: MS Office
Thema: Outlook and non-default folder
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9344

Re: Outlook and non-default folder

but searching online the method PickFolder :

The Pick Folder dialog box is a modal dialog box which means that code execution will not continue until the user either selects a folder or cancels the dialog box

I'll want to access on my non-default folder without opening a dialog box
von simofranz
Mo, 26. Sep 2016 17:24
Forum: MS Office
Thema: Outlook and non-default folder
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9344

Outlook and non-default folder

Hi, i can't understand how to access a non-default folder of outlook, such as: Outlook |- contacts |- calendar |- myPersonalCalendar (<-----) |- ecc. from VB: Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI") Set myFolder = _myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) Set myNewFolder =...