Die Suche ergab 41 Treffer

von engindenizoglu
Mo, 14. Feb 2022 21:31
Forum: Allgemeine Fragen
Thema: daten von einer WEB Seite lesen
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 4075

Re: daten von einer WEB Seite lesen

Ich habe es mit der Funktion 'LoadfromUrl()' erledigt.

Vielen Dank für die Antworten !!!
von engindenizoglu
Di, 08. Feb 2022 16:41
Forum: Allgemeine Fragen
Thema: daten von einer WEB Seite lesen
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 4075

daten von einer WEB Seite lesen


Wie kann ich von einer Web-Seite die Waehrungen lesen ?

beispiel web Seite (von Waehrungen):
von engindenizoglu
So, 17. Mär 2019 8:46
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: browse in xbase - for SQL - how can it be easiest done
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 19462

Re: browse in xbase - for SQL - how can it be easiest done

I asked Boris about it he said its not related about sql rather about xbase alaska programming language.

Does anyone have a samples in xbase about browsing and selecting a record ?
von engindenizoglu
Fr, 15. Mär 2019 22:08
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: browse in xbase - for SQL - how can it be easiest done
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 19462

Re: browse in xbase - for SQL - how can it be easiest done

I do use SQL EXPRESS and XBASE 2.0.
von engindenizoglu
Do, 14. Mär 2019 23:21
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: browse in xbase - for SQL - how can it be easiest done
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 19462

browse in xbase - for SQL - how can it be easiest done

Below i have showed a sample code for browsing a dbf file and selecting the right record. Is there a sample prg which can browse from a SQL DATABANK (the name of the sql databank can be IPADRES ; field names ; NR, TANIM ; (a similar sample like below) ? Or a similar method of browsing and selecting ...
von engindenizoglu
So, 10. Mär 2019 20:30
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713

Re: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time

How is it possible to close the Browser by entering or right click mouse only ?

Engin Rene
von engindenizoglu
Fr, 21. Sep 2018 7:24
Forum: Programmierung allgemein
Thema: TIMESTAMP to date+time converting
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3659

Re: TIMESTAMP to date+time converting

timestamp datein sehen aus wie unten:

Die Daten kommen von einem Panasonic PLC und diese Datein habe ich in XBASE geöffnet.
Nun will ich diese Dateien mit einer funktion in datum+Zeit konvertieren.
von engindenizoglu
Do, 20. Sep 2018 21:24
Forum: Programmierung allgemein
Thema: TIMESTAMP to date+time converting
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3659

TIMESTAMP to date+time converting

Gibt es eine XBASE funktion wo man timestamp datei in datum+zeit convertieren kann ?
von engindenizoglu
Di, 20. Feb 2018 12:29
Forum: TopDown
Thema: TOPDOWN - ERROR - tdgetstr - row_px error
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 25391

Re: TOPDOWN - ERROR - tdgetstr - row_px error

Thank u. It works :)
von engindenizoglu
Mo, 19. Feb 2018 21:21
Forum: TopDown
Thema: TOPDOWN - ERROR - tdgetstr - row_px error
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 25391

Re: TOPDOWN - ERROR - tdgetstr - row_px error

This i included in the main() procedure but the error continues during compling --> synthax error

Code: Alles auswählen

******* Default normal scale level
COL_PX := 10
ROW_PX := 20
von engindenizoglu
Mo, 19. Feb 2018 12:38
Forum: TopDown
Thema: TOPDOWN - ERROR - tdgetstr - row_px error
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 25391

TOPDOWN - ERROR - tdgetstr - row_px error

My sample is below : -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COL_PX=10 ROW_PX=20 /* if i use the definitons i get during compiling the error 'invalidvalue' ; if i don't use these 2 variables i get during executing the error unknown variable row_px...... HHH=SPACE(1...
von engindenizoglu
Di, 16. Jan 2018 21:55
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 39225

Re: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure

I use microsoft sql 2012 STANDART .
von engindenizoglu
Di, 16. Jan 2018 20:47
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 39225

Re: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure

from SQL side ;

I want to get the value of variable BORCTUTAR back to xbase side.
This doesn't work.
von engindenizoglu
Di, 16. Jan 2018 20:44
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 39225

Re: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure

Boris doesnt know the answer.
Actually it's a common problem between xbase and SQLEXPRESS.
von engindenizoglu
Di, 16. Jan 2018 8:20
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 39225

Re: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure

I made tHe change like you have advised below ; but still get THE errror from xbase side like --> INVALID FIELD What can be wrong ? xbase side: o:= SQLSelect():new("EXEC CUSTOMER_YASLANDIRMA_TOPLAMI ? , ? ",oConn, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY) o:execute({'300941','TRY'}) Z...
von engindenizoglu
Mo, 15. Jan 2018 20:52
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 39225

SQL EXPRESS - calling a Microsoft SQL SERVER procedure

I have an issue; Fieldget(1) variable doen't come back to xbase side...What can be wrong with my code ? xbase code; o:= SQLSelect():new("EXEC CUSTOMER_YASLANDIRMA_TOPLAMI_TEST ? , ? ",oConn, SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY, SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY) o:execute({'300941','TRY'}) Zengin1:=o:FieldGet(1) -...
von engindenizoglu
Sa, 09. Dez 2017 22:30
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713

Re: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time

I solved the problem. Below i added the whole dcbrowse CONCEPT. We have here 2 fields for browsing ; CUSTOMER_CODE,CUSTOMER_NAME A complete example is in \exp20\samples\sql\sqlbrow.prg --> from EXPRESS++ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
von engindenizoglu
Sa, 09. Dez 2017 22:30
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713

Re: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time

I solved the problem. Below i added the whole dcbrowse CONCEPT. We have here 2 fields for browsing ; CUSTOMER_CODE,CUSTOMER_NAME A complete example is in \exp20\samples\sql\sqlbrow.prg --> from EXPRESS++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
von engindenizoglu
Sa, 09. Dez 2017 12:29
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713

Re: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time

I tried this command ; it's working but before it opens the SQL databank i get sql errors like ; cannot insert NULL into column..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DCBROWSECOL DATA DC_SQLFieldBlock( oCursor, 'CUSTOMER_CODE' ) ; PARENT ...
von engindenizoglu
Sa, 09. Dez 2017 8:32
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713

Re: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time

Just a simple sample, My SQL fields (2 fields only) are: engin:=oCursor:FieldGet("CUSTOMER_CODE") engin1:=oCursor:FieldGet("CUSTOMER_NAME") The SQL connection string is like below: oCursor := oConn:Cursor("SELECT CUSTOMER_CODE,CUSTOMER_NAME FROM pr_CUSTOMER ORDER BY CUSTOMER...
von engindenizoglu
Di, 05. Dez 2017 22:20
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713

Re: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time

Do you mean the 5 sample prg's under the directory \sqlxpp ? In generall the documantation doc of SQLEXPRESS are insufficient. I can remember during the 90's we could find a lot of books (materials) about clipper , dbase and we could learn easily everything from these books. I would suggest to estab...
von engindenizoglu
Mo, 04. Dez 2017 23:09
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713


I'm using SQl express.

How can i use BROWSE command for SQL DATABANKS ?

Is there a similar command like BROWSE in XBASE for SQ-Express ?
von engindenizoglu
Mo, 04. Dez 2017 23:08
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713


I'm using SQl express.

How can i use BROWSE command for SQL DATABANKS ?
von engindenizoglu
Sa, 02. Dez 2017 21:09
Forum: SQLExpress
Thema: MICROSOFT SQL and DBF using at the same time
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 70713


Does anyone know how BROWSE() a databank with SQL-EXPRESS ? *************************************************************************************************************************************** cConnect := "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=ALCEPROJECT;DATABASE=TestDB;UID=TestUser;PWD=73kny!;" oC...
von engindenizoglu
Sa, 02. Dez 2017 21:01
Forum: LibXL
Thema: LibXL und Zellen umranden
Antworten: 23
Zugriffe: 15587

Re: LibXL und Zellen umranden

Bold worked ; Thank u :)

So how can i open an excel file ?

With Activex or LIBXL.