
Vom Front-End bis SOAP.

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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »


Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to follow the presentation.

I don't speak German, so I need to communicate in English. Ik can read the forum with Google translate. I was following the different posts.

I'm preparing some Xbase++ code to show how you need to create your back-end. It won't be a copy/paste solution, since I'm using functions from my own application for the windows version. But it will make easier to see how it works.

Hereby I want to give an answer to several questions.

Open-Source: No, it won't become open source. I invested almost 100K into the project, and since I'm not Bill Gates...

Future of BOA: We are using BOA as platform for our own online invoicing since 2020. We will continu with it, and in future we will also need new features, which we will add to BOA. You are never sure if something will stay on the market, just ask the Foxpro developers.

Webshop: BOA isn't developed to create a webshop. If you need an online version of your Windows software, you can use it. I don't think anyone of you has a webshop created in WIndows? If you need a webshop i advise don't develop it, we did it in the past, but use an existing system. Use a system as Woocommerce or Prestashop, and use their API to communicate with it. We combine these webshops with our Windows application by synchonysing all the data for products, customers every 5 minutes. Every modification comes into a queue, which is processed every 5 minutes. Also every 5 minutes we read all the orders from the shop and create new customers. This way our customer can hire his webdesigner as he wich, and we connect his data to it. Our experience with JSON helped us a lot. As Klaus said, it is a solution to make data online accessible, but it is also a complete powerfull solution to create complete solutions.

REST-Api: There is the remark from Semleit which is correct. By creating the API, you open your Windows application for other external developers. Your work wouldn't be lost if you decide after some time to stop with BOA. Suppose you get the knowledge to develop with Anguler, Vue, React, you could use the API endpoints as you wish at that moment.

Missing elements: Ramses says there are a lot of missing things? I'm open to add new form elements if this is needed. If there are any suggestions, please let me know.

Internal tool: The BOA project was started as internal tool after 10 years of creating an online version with html pages and javascript in combination with xb2net. While the project was growing, we realised that this could be a solution for every developer of legacy applications who are struggling with the move to the online world. From that moment on, we started to develop with this in mind, so it is rather universal to use.

Ideal solution: Is BOA the ideal solution? No, I suppose it is not. But it gives the possibility to start developing your own powerfull online version of your software TODAY. I lost 10 years because I was hoping to find an ideal solution, and I saw some promises passing even by Alaska. None of them could offer me a solution without learning HTML, CSS, Javascript/Typescript and a lot of other tools. Also none of them made it possible to create a Hybrid solution by using the same data. If you check solutions as Servoy or JMix, you need to learn a completely new syntax, and it won't be possible to use your current data, unless you are already using an SQL database. Trust me, I tried both.

Harbour: I saw someone using Harbour as a base to create an online version of his 'Kassabuch'? This will also cost a lot of time, and I'm wondering why not using the cxp pages of Alaska at that moment? And how about the future of Harbour?

BOA Server: I think it wasn't clear how to install BOA for your customers? I suppose most of you has a website which you are hiring from a provider. Suppose you have If you go to the admin of your website, you normally can add a subdomein. This means you can create At that moment there will be a folder invoicing on your server. If you put the BOA application in that folder it will be ready to use. Your customers can go to and the login of BOA will appear.

If there are any questions about the implementation of BOA, don't hesitate to post them here.

Best regards,
Chris Andries
Best regards,

Chris Andries
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ramses »


Danke für deine Ausführungen. Ich werde mir eine Version von dir kaufen und mir davon selbst ein echtes Bild machen und nicht nur die wirklich gute Doku lesen.

Kann BOA auf / mit einem reinen XB2.Net Webserver benutzt werden? OHNE Apache oder IIS oder andere Web-Server
Valar Morghulis

Gruss Carlo
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »


It looks as there are some doubts about installing BOA, is there an Apache or IIS needed?

I added an extra page to the documentation which you can find here: ... cation.htm

If this is not clear, let me know. It is important to understand the concept.
Best regards,

Chris Andries
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mi, 12. Jan 2022 20:13

Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von jobbisoft »

Ich habe einige Fragen zu BOA

1.- Welcher WebServer wird benötigt, Apache, Ngix, IIS oder Xbase++ ( xb2net oder httpendpoint )
2.- Wird für die Installation einfach das gesamte BOA-Framework in die Root-Dokumente kopiert?
3.- Benötige ich für jeden gewünschten Client eine oder mehrere Lizenzen?
4.- Chris, welches BackEnd verwenden Sie, um die Endpunkte aufzulösen? (Xbase++, modharbour, JS...)
(Beispiel: Wenn ein Benutzer ein Raster /mypage/customers/grid wünscht.)
Könntest du uns einen Code zeigen?
Danke im Voraus
Osvaldo Ramírez
Osvaldo Ramirez
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ramses »

nach der Beschreibung benötigt Boa selbst einen Apache oder IIS und die API das Backend einen beliebigen Server z.B. xb2net.

So, ich habe mir jetzt mal eine Version gekauft.
Nun sehen wir weiter. Nach dem Motto: Suche nach neuen Tools und Möglichkeiten kostet einfach Zeit und Geld .....
Bin gespannt habe die Anfrage zum Bau einer kleinen Web-App ein Ideales Versuchsfeld.
Valar Morghulis

Gruss Carlo
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mi, 12. Jan 2022 20:13

Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von jobbisoft »

Thanks Carlo

But if I have an xb2net, how does an endpoint like this translate?
How much do I have to program in xb2net to do this?
I ask this because I have tried how to do it with xb2net and it is laborious, xb2net does not bring restfullwebservices examples, it only brings SOAP examples.
And Alaska does not too. The httpendpoint is limited.

Anyway, we look forward to your feedback.

Best Regards
Osvaldo Ramirez
Osvaldo Ramirez
Beiträge: 34
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »

Hi Osvaldo,

I started two threads with sample code for the following:
- iAPI server for Xb2net.
- Sample of an endpoint.

Have you seen the samples?

Also some posts in this thread ago I posted a link to explain the way you need to install it:
- BOA platform: needs a webserver as an Apache, IIS, ...
- iAPI: needs a server which can respond to the requests BOA makes. This is on the server of your customer, local or in the cloud.

If you still have questions after reading them, don't hesitate to post them.

Best regards,
Best regards,

Chris Andries
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mi, 12. Jan 2022 20:13

Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von jobbisoft »

Thanks Chris
I got It!!!

Best Regards
Osvaldo Ramirez
Osvaldo Ramirez
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ramses »


Hallo Osvaldo

Boris arbeitet an einer Reverse-Proxy Funktion für xb2net damit kann als Frontend und Eingang benutzt werden und andere Anfragen an einen weiteren Server weitergereicht werden. Das ist dann etwa die Lösung um alles hinter eine URL zu bringen.
Valar Morghulis

Gruss Carlo
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von azzo »

Von Chris Beitrag:
>Keiner von ihnen konnte mir eine Lösung anbieten, ohne HTML, CSS, Javascript/Typescript und eine Menge anderer Tools zu lernen.

Was ist der Grund, warum man HTML nicht lernen möchte?

Bitte im Internet suchen nach:
Ist es schwer, HTML zu lernen?
Die Antwort wird sein: nein, es ist nicht schwer

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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »

Hi Otto,

Yes you are right, HTML isn't difficult. But, creation a responsive webapplication is a lot more...

In attachment a html customer page as I made my first 'webapplication' somewhere in 2010. And yes, we have build a complete application this way.

If you unzip the file, you can open the html pages in your browser. You will see how we provided tags for the data. These were replaced with the 'real data' at runtime. If you look at the code, there is a lot more than html.

Some years after that, we started a new version. You can see this running at
Use as username 'de' and as password 'de01'.
As in the demo for last week, there are 30.816 customers in the database, there are 185.401 contacts in the klantcontact dbf. You can search which a search key as follows:
ABO -> all the customers where the name start with ABO
*SERVICE -> all the customers where somewhere the word service is found.
*373647 -> will search for this key. Look at the results, there will be 'abo service' in the result. If you check the contact of this customer, you will see that one of the 185.401 contacts has this phone number.

Did you notice the speed of it?

Also this version is using HTML, CSS and Javascript, nothing more. The back-end is an xb2net server. This is still used by customers since about 2015.

As you can see, we went down the road, and yes, we have knowledge of html, css and javascript. :)

Now we have build BOA as our solution, to evolve with the needs of our customers.

Best regards,
(3.96 KiB) 94-mal heruntergeladen
Best regards,

Chris Andries
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
Der Entwickler von "Deep Thought"
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von Tom »

Hallo, Otto.

Nein, es ist strukturell nicht schwer, HTML und CSS zu lernen (JS ist noch einmal ein anderer Schuh), aber es ist eine Menge Zeug und man muss auf sehr, sehr viele Aspekte achten. Wenn man auf fertige Strukturen zurückgreifen kann, die den gewünschten Leistungsumfang bieten, und es nicht stört, dass man dort wenig Einfluss auf die UI hat, spart man mit Tools wie BOA eine große Menge Zeit. Ich baue selbst an diversen Backends, die HTML/CSS/JS-Frontends bedienen. Es ist komplex, ist es horrorschwer zu debuggen, und es ist eben sehr umfangreich.

Ich denke, es ist nicht sinnvoll, diesen Thread mit einer grundsätzlichen Pro-und-Contra-Diskussion zu verwässern.
Beiträge: 133
Registriert: Di, 08. Mär 2016 11:32
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ssemleit »


I have several questions.

You don't save any data at the webserver, right?
The UI is always build at runtime and the data is only stored in the memory?

I can't remember the session.
How can the logo in the login screeen be changed?
e.g. "ABO SERVICE" on
Is there a config file on the server folder?

If a user has been logged in, you store the "token" in a cookie, right?
Next time the user will open the browser he is still logged in, right?
Is there a auto-logoff funktion in BOA?

How about error handling?
If the backend decided to set the token as invalid.
Must be a special resultcode sent?
Will BOA go without error to the loginscreen?

Due to the architecture the menu, forms etc. can be different für each user, right?

Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Di, 25. Mai 2010 20:18
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for your questions, seems as you know the answers almost all by yourself. :D

Hereby the answer/confirmations to your questions:

1. There is no data on the webserver. Data is for the back-end, which is your iAPI that takes care of it.

2. There is a config file on the server.It contains your licence, and also the following:
"logoUrl": "", -> logo to display
"siteUrl": "", -> page to display in the right box at login.
"apiUrl": "" -> if empty, a user have to enter it once. When you have a setup specific for one customer, you can configure it so it won't be asked at login.

3. Yes, the token is stored. With a JWT (Json Web Token) you can set an expiry date:time. Since BOA will send it everytime with each request, your iAPI decides what you want to do with it. If you decide that the token isn't valid anymore, you returns the following:
{"error" : "Token is expired."}. As a result BOA will go to the login screen. By the way, you can create the token the way you like, every string is fine for BOA, it don't have to be a JWT.

4. Yes, the above error message must be send. Also when BOA doesn't receive an answer from the iAPI server, if goes to the login screen.

5. Yes, each user can have different menu's and forms. If you check ... cation.htm there is a 'Complete configuration scheme sample'. In the sample BOA 2 it is mentioned.

Best regards,

Chris Andries
Beiträge: 133
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ssemleit »

Hi Chris,

thanks for your answer. It sounds well thought out and practical.

Allow me another question.
Do you have experience in Handhelds e.g. Datalogic Skorpio X4 and BOA?

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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von Volker »

Hi Chris,

is it possible to modify CSS-Files in BOA to change colors?

Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Di, 25. Mai 2010 20:18
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »

Do you have experience in Handhelds e.g. Datalogic Skorpio X4 and BOA?
I'm afraid that the webbrowser of this kind of devices isn't that powerfull? You can test it. If you go to you will get the login screen. Of course it would be possible to create special menu's and forms for this kind of small screens. But honoustly, I don't expect this will be a good solution.

We are always using Android PDA's and have an Android app build. The Android app is using the same iAPI as BOA. We are using the same endpoints. On the Android we have specific modules as for inventory, self-picking, ... This is send to the iAPI, and is processed in real-time.
androidapp.jpg (43.32 KiB) 4019 mal betrachtet
As you can see the menu structure on an Android app is totally different.
boaapp.jpg (10.27 KiB) 4019 mal betrachtet
Zuletzt geändert von skiman am Fr, 13. Mai 2022 12:12, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Best regards,

Chris Andries
Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Di, 25. Mai 2010 20:18
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »

is it possible to modify CSS-Files in BOA to change colors?
No, at this moment it isn't possible. You can change the style for each element, but you can't use classes.

We are looking to the possibility to add this functionality to BOA. I will come back to this question in a few days.

Best regards,

Chris Andries
Beiträge: 483
Registriert: So, 28. Mär 2010 19:21
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von azzo »

>Ich denke, es ist nicht sinnvoll, diesen Thread mit einer grundsätzlichen Pro-und-Contra-Diskussion zu verwässern.

Hallo Tom,
ich verstehe.
Vielleicht schaust du mal im vorbei und wir
können uns dort austauschen.

Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen.

Beiträge: 483
Registriert: So, 28. Mär 2010 19:21
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von azzo »

Hallo Stefan,
Darf ich dich fragen, was dein Programm können sollte?
Hier siehst du zum Beispiel den Erfassungsbildschirm unserer mobilen Webbonierung.

Wir arbeiten mit DBF-Dateien.

Die Anwendung ist eine PWA, erstellt mit mod harbour.

Mit freundlichem Gruß

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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von Jan »


dieser Thread geht um BOA. Harbour wird woanders dikutiert.

Mitglied der XUG Osnabrück
Mitglied der XUG Berlin/Brandenburg
Mitglied des Deutschsprachige Xbase-Entwickler e. V.
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ssemleit »


mir ging es nur darum, die Möglichkeiten von BOA zu sonderieren.
Die Einsatzzwecke sind noch nicht ganz klar definiert. Sie liegen im Bereich Kommissionierung und Lagerbuchung etc. für unser ERP-System.
Aktuell arbeiten wir mit einer RDP-Lösung und die Kunden sind soweit zufrieden.

Beiträge: 34
Registriert: Di, 25. Mai 2010 20:18
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von skiman »


Boa is started as a project to create web applications for typical Business applications. As I said wednesday, the disadvantage is that you can't change the theme. If someone doesn't like the look and feel, BOA isn't suited.

If you like the functionality and possibilities of it, it can be a real time saver to create a powerfull solution.

Some screens will be difficult to create, if they are very specific, it can be a problem.

Don't hesitate to post a screenshot of the Windows ERP. I can look at it and advice if it would be possible to create it with BOA.

Best regards,
Best regards,

Chris Andries
Beiträge: 133
Registriert: Di, 08. Mär 2016 11:32
Hat sich bedankt: 19 Mal
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von ssemleit »

Hi Chris,

All fine.
I just want to check the possibilities of BOA at the moment.
I think for our ERP-System BOA could be work fine.
Maybe there will be "BOA for Android" someday ;-) to use it on handhelds.

At the moment we store Menus, Dialogs, Tabs, Toolbars etc. @our database and create the UI on Windows after user login.
Similar as BOA, but not for the Web :D

The main task for us would be the REST API. Which we will need sooner or later.

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Registriert: So, 28. Mär 2010 19:21
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Re: BOA-Session

Beitrag von azzo »

@ Martin
Aufzeichnung habe ich keine, aber eine kurze Zusammenfassung als GIF.
