Clayton Jones ist gestorben

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Martin Altmann
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Clayton Jones ist gestorben

Beitrag von Martin Altmann »

Hallo allerseits,
wie gerade in der Alaska-Newsgroupp gepostet, ist Clayton Jones verstorben. Ich poste hier mal den entsprechenden Beitrag:
Chris Carmac hat geschrieben:Dear friends of the Xbase++ developer community,

It is with great sadness I inform you that our good friend Mr. Clayton Jones passed away last week. I was just informed of his death yesterday.

When I first started working with Xbase++ in 2001, I spent a week in West Palm Beach, FL training with Clayton. He was a great teacher and mentor. Learning of his death was quite a blow to me. I can imagine how Luke Skywalker felt after Yoda died.

Clayton was a very humble and soft-spoken man, generous and kind to everyone who knew him. He thought deeply and intelligently about things, and was always quick to enjoy a good laugh with friends. He lived a simple life. His main hobbies were amateur (ham) radio, and playing old-time folk music on the banjo, guitar, and other instruments. He also taught music to kids in his neighborhood, and was frequently involved in his church.

Clayton was a very gifted programmer, and a big supporter of the Xbase++ community. His development tools were used by people all over the world. Many of us attended his seminars at the various Xbase++ programming conferences throughout the years.

In his will, Clayton expressed the desire for his software development tools to be placed in the public domain for free use by other developers. The will also specified that I be assigned this task. The four products that will be distributed are the Topdown function library, the X-Memo library (a DBF replacemnet for DBT/FPT memo files), the Spell-X spell checker library, and the X-DBU database utility.

I am currently in contact with some friends of Clayton's who are helping to settle his estate. After I receive the source code from them, I will attempt to find sites who would be willing to host the source code. My first two contacts will be Alaska Software and If anyone knows of any other sites that might be a good host for the code, please let me know. Once the source code has been made available, I will post more information about where you can download it.

A memorial service for Clayton is scheduled for 10am Eastern time on March 19th, 2016 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in West Palm Beach, FL.

Clayton was a good man, and will be sorely missed.
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Re: Clayton Jones ist gestorben

Beitrag von Jan »

Das ist wirklich schade zu hören. Tut mir sehr leid. Danke für die Info hier im Forum.

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Re: Clayton Jones ist gestorben

Beitrag von satmax »

Auch meine aufrichtige Anteilnahme.

Ich kannte Clayton nur via Email, aber er war stehts freundlich, zuvorkommend und hilfsbereit!
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Re: Clayton Jones ist gestorben

Beitrag von Leon »

Ich habe lange Zeit TopDown eingesetzt und wenn ich ein Problem hatte, war Clayton immer rasch zur Stelle und hat mir geholfen. Mein aufrichtiges Beileid, R.I.P.
Gruß aus Wien